A book on spiritual awakening and realizing Higher consciousness


A book on spirituality and self discovery

Search for Self Realization

This is the second book in Beyond Placebo series and shares the journey and self discovery of the author.

In Indian yogic system there are Seven levels of self realization. Book 1 in this series dissolves the blockage due to trauma, and now the Second book lifts the veil from the Perception of Reality.

The stories and epiphanies shared by the author are so powerful that they have transformed many readers and participants. Finally, this book shares three important spiritual sessions to activate higher chakras and the spiritual lightbody.

The third session helps a seeker reach the source consciousness and be one with the ultimate meditative state of Nothingness.

book on spiritual awakening
book on spiritual awakening

Indian Temples hold ancient knowledge

Spiritual nature of mankind

The temples in India still have inscriptions of the ancient knowledge that has led to the development of this civilization.
Along with history there is knowledge of the spiritual nature of mankind. Millions of people in India have taken the yogic path to realize moksha or salvation.

These teachings are still live in different parts of the country. The sacred sites are the places where holy men and women from various sects had spent their lifetime working on spiritual development.

They have left a ton of spiritual wisdom in these places for the later generations to receive their awakening.

'I AM' Experiments, especially worked with decoding this information to connect with the ancient wisdom and blessings from the spiritual teachers.