A book on transcending the dark night of the soul


There is darkness born from spiritual light

The Test of Non-Duality

Announcing the release of the long awaited third book in the series.

Test of Non-Duality clarifies the reasons for deep agony and suffering caused to spiritual seekers in the path of self realization. Spiritual depressions, dark spiritual experiences, and practical life problems that are linked to otherworldly reasons experienced by many advanced spiritual practitioners and healers motivated this work.

The negative problems faced by these people cannot be solved by any healing techniques or spiritual programs. Once the damage has happened it may take few years for repair, but it is altogether possible to avoid the fragmentation with few principles in practice.

Book 1 and 2 has cleared traumatic layers and activated the spiritual seeker and now book 3 assists in the final test of non-duality ultimately completing the process of Awakening.

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